Northwoods Witch: A Village Witchery Podcast

Where Does Morality Come From?

Northwoods Witch Season 1 Episode 5

The Lake Superior Freethinkers invited me to participate in a panel featuring joke-worthy guests “a monk, an atheist, and a witch” (we did not go into a bar, unfortunately...)

I really appreciated the opportunity to reflect deeply on this topic, and I enjoyed presenting on the panel (I was received with comments such as “I’d expected to disagree with you, but found we are on the same page” 🤷🏻‍♀️…Only a few micro aggressions from the old white dude crowd—I get them rarely so always an interesting awareness when it happens.) 

ANYHOW, check out my presentation on morality! I’m super into it, I hope it feeds some part of your mind and spirit ✨ (This episode is an after-the-fact recording of my presentation, and only features my contribution)

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